The Duracell Rechargeable Powerbank 10050 mAh


The Duracell Rechargeable Powerbank 10 mAh is a good option for emergency power while traveling, camping, or on the go. Fitted with a USB charging port, this Duracell PowerBank can power almost any handheld device like smartphones, cameras, gaming devices, or tablets. The sleek and cute design matches the iconic Duracell battery look, and it’s small enough to keep in a purse, backpack, or pocket. The product advertises to hold three charges for a smartphone, but user reviews indicate that may be a little less. It also includes a 10-point safety system intended to keep your device batteries safe. The safety system prevents the battery from overheating and overcharging. The product claims to charge faster than a wall outlet, but again, user reviews indicate otherwise. Regardless of the few performance discrepancies, if you are in the market for a mobile charging alternative for your devices, this product is a great choice.

Technical Specs

  • 10050 mAH Charging Capacity
  • Up to 3 Charges
  • Up to 2 times faster charging vs wall outlet
  • Dual-Charge Capabilities
  • TSA and air travel security compliant
  • USB Ports
  • Compatible with most smartphones and mobile devices

Detailed Review

If you travel, camp, hike, or are constantly on the go, the Duracell Rechargeable Powerbank is a great addition to your travel kit. In fact, the design is made for people on the go. It is TSA or air travel safety complaint, and the sleek design offers easy packing in a travel bag. The design also matches the iconic Duracell battery look, which is a nice touch. The lightweight power bank is surprisingly durable and damage resistant also making it the perfect travel companion for your mobile devices. Not to mention for its small size it packs quite the power. When fully charged it advertises it can charge your smartphone fully up to three times.

The product shines in its charging capabilities. One unbeatable feature is the ability to simultaneously charge it and a device through it at the same time. For example, say you are in the airport waiting for your flight, and your phone has your boarding pass on it, but it is about to die. You reach for your charger but remembered you buried it in your suitcase. You luckily have the Duracell Rechargeable PowerBank, but you haven’t charged it. Thanks to its fantastic design you can charge it using the wall outlet, then your phone on the power bank while it is charging through the wall. The power bank also comes with ten safety features, like preventing overcharging and overheating, which go a long way to protect the overall health of your mobile devices.

While the power bank has some amazing charging capabilities, some of them might not live up to the expectations as advertised. For example, user reviews on average found that the stored power often did not fully charge their phone three times. On average, it was closer to two times. Additionally, most users reported they did not notice a difference in the charging speed compared to a wall outlet. Many users also stated they wished the charging ports included a USB-C port, which is commonly used on many newer devices.

Regardless of the advertised expectations, people still rave about this product being the best option for charging solutions while on the go. The sleek and lightweight design is perfect for people on the go, and the charging capabilities are still great for what you would need while traveling. If you are interested in this product and don’t mind it completely matching what the advertising, then this makes a smart addition to your travel bag.

Review Summary

The Duracell PowerBank 10050 mAh is the perfect addition to a travel bag. It is great for people who travel, camp, hike or are often on the go. It has many features, such as USB charging and simultaneous charging capabilities, meaning you can charge a device using it while you are recharging it. Additionally, the power bank includes ten built-in safety features that stop overcharging and overheating, which protects your device batteries. The only downside is it may not meet the full expectations as advertised. User reviews report holding on average only two full charges for their smartphones, compared to the advertised three. Regardless, if you need a lightweight, TSA safety-approved charging solution for your devices while you travel you will not find many better options than this product. On average reviews praised the power bank, many of them often never leaving home without it.


  • Compact, lightweight, and Iconic Duracell design
  • 10-point safety system
  • Simultaneous charging
  • TSA and air travel safety approved
  • Durable


  • No USB-C port
  • Does not meet advertised charging capabilities
  • No charging cords included

Price: 23.97

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