Pride Heavy Duty Scooter Replacement Battery

You chose your Pride Mobility scooter to realize your full mobility potential. For someone who relies on a scooter to get around, this is a necessity. You need your scooter to work reliably and with its full power. But eventually the batteries will die and you’ll need a replacement. You could spend hundreds of dollars for a name-brand replacement, however that cost can leave you questioning just how much you really need your scooter. What if there’s another option?

Click here to see a larger list of Pride Mobility replace battries.

Tech Specs

  • Brand: SPS
  • Voltage: 12V 18Ah
  • LxWxH: 7.13” x 3.01” x 6.57”
  • Reusability: Rechargeable
  • Weight: 14 lbs per battery, 28 lbs total
  • Temrinal: FP
  • Warranty: 1 year


  • Cost
  • Weight
  • Size
  • Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) Technology
  • Rechargeable
  • Charge marked on battery unit


  • Must have cables, connectors, and hardware

The first major advantage of the SPS-brand replacement battery for your Pride Mobility heavy-duty scooter is the cost. For a name-brand battery from Pride Mobility, you could spend around $272 for a pair of batteries versus the $56 you would spend on a pair of the SPS-brand batteries. While both conveniently sell them as a pair, you would save over $200 with the SPS-brand replacement batteries.

The next huge perk of the SPS-brand replacement batteries for your Pride Mobility scooter is the weight. The name-brand Pride Mobility batteries weighs a total of 72 pounds. On the other hand, the SPS-brand replacement batteries only weigh a combined weight of 28 pounds. This can significantly improve the portability of your scooter and possibly the performance.

Another benefit of the SPS-brand replacement batteries is the size. They are slightly smaller than the Pride Mobility-brand batteries, making them a bit lower profile, keeping you looking sleek as you scoot by. That also means you will have less drag as you move around.

Both brands of batteries have Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) technology, meaning your risk of a battery leaking is greatly reduced. Both brands of replacement batteries are also rechargeable, meaning you have an easy way of keeping your scooter powered up and ready to go when you are.

A small but power benefit of the SPS-brand replacement battery is that the charge is marked on the battery. This means less guessing about the charge of your batteries and more of a heads up when you need to order your next replacements.

The downside of the SPS-brand replacement batteries is that you have to have the right cables, connectors, and hardware. They do not send anything to you other than the two battery units. So, when you order them, be sure to double-check that your existing cables, connectors, and hardware will work with the SPS-brand replacement batteries.

All in all, the SPS-brand replacement batteries for Pride Mobility heavy-duty scooters are a less expensive, smaller, lighter option that’s perfect for making your scooter more portable while staying within a budget. Along with that, the advantage of the marked charge on the battery and the fact it’s rechargeable makes it a home run for any Pride Mobility scooter user.

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