Convert DC amps to AC amps

AC means Alternating Current and DC means Direct Current. This article will discuss the conversion of DC voltage to AC voltage, DC power, and amp rating. Moreover, the ac voltage, watts to amps calculator, three-phase AC circuits, and conversion calculator will also be discussed.

DC amps to AC amps

Conversion of DC amps to amps is needed in many cases. For instance, if you know the DC amperage, you can’t use it on AC-powered devices. You need to find the AC amperage by converting it from a DC amperage. Otherwise, you can’t use it on AC-powered devices.

Some important things for the conversion of DC amps to AC amps.

• “I” will indicate the current in amperes in DC or AC. For instance, 12 amps.
• “P” is used to indicate DC power or AC power. For instance, 5 kW or 5000 watts.
• “V” indicates the DC voltage or AC voltage. For instance, 220 V.
• “PF” means the power Factor. It is written on the instrument which we use.

Single Phase DC Circuits

For single-phase DC, the formula is. I= P/V. If P is 2000 watts and the voltage is 220 V.

Then, the amperage of a single-phase DC will be, I= 2000/220= 9.09 amps.

Single Phase AC Circuits

For single-phase AC, the formula is, I= P/V*P.F. If P is 2500 watts, the voltage is 220 V, and the power factor is 0.8.

Then, the amperage of a single-phase AC will be, I= 2500/220*0.8= 14.205 amps.

Three Phase AC Circuits

For three-phase AC, the formula is, I= P/√3*V*P.F. If P is 2500 watts, the voltage is 220 V, and the power factor is 0.8. 

Then, the amperage of single-phase AC will be, I= 2500/√3*220*0.8= 8.200997 amps. You can also use this direct conversion calculator to save valuable time.

DC Voltage to AC Voltage Without Any Change in Voltage

Suppose you have a 12V car battery. Can you use this battery to power your house’s electricity? The answer is no unless you have an inverter. This inverter is a device that will change the battery’s DC energy into AC energy.

We know that household circuits use Alternating current(AC). So, it is essential to convert DC Voltage to AC Voltage for household usage. To convert DC to AC,

  • An oscillator is needed that will change the direction of the current at the required frequency. To do this, resistors, capacitors, transistors, and other circuit components are used by the majority of inverters.
  • An inverter also needs a transformer. For instance, if you’re using a 12 V battery to power a 120 V refrigerator; the inverter will require a step-up transformer to boost the voltage by ten times.

The transformer only works with AC current and that’s why it is placed in the circuit. The components that convert DC current to AC current come before the transformer in the circuit.

The Result of Supplying a DC Motor with AC and Vice Versa

There are two types of motors. DC Shunt Motor and DC Series Motor. For a DC series motor, if we give it an AC supply, it will run flawlessly. AC and DC power can be used by the DC Series. However, this is not the case in DC shunt motor.

The Result of Supplying AC on DC Shunt Motor

If the motor is DC, then the field and armature are created for a DC supply. Also, higher resistance is there in the DC winding compared to the AC winding. As a result, when we provide an AC supply, the winding will create self-inductance.

This self-intruding opposes the current and reduces flux generation. The motor will therefore run on an AC source at a very low speed.

So, when a DC shunt motor is powered by an AC source, the motor will experience higher heat and loss.

The Result of Supplying DC on AC Motor

The AC motor’s windings may burn if a DC supply is applied to them. The main reason for this is AC windings always have lower resistance than DC windings. Also, no self-inductance is created in the windings when a DC supply is applied to an AC motor.

This could obstruct the flow of current in the event of an AC supply. So, from this explanation, we can say that DC power cannot operate an AC motor.

Determining the amp rating of the AC-DC adapter

The AC adapter is an outside power source. It transforms the DC required by an electronic device from the AC found in a wall outlet.

In many AC-DC adapters, the amp is written on the device. However, in some devices, you will have to find out the amp rating of the adapter yourself. Here, 

  • “I” will indicate the current in amperes in DC or AC. For instance, 12 amps.
  • “P” is used to indicate DC power or AC power. For instance, 5 kW or 5000 watts. 
  • “V” indicates the DC voltage or AC voltage. For instance, 220 V.

The formula for finding an amp is, I=P/V.

If the power is 14W and the voltage is 9V, then the amp rating will be, I= (14/9) = 1.5 amps.

How much DC current is equal to AC current?

To determine the DC voltage, the AC voltage had to be divided by the square root of 2. The voltage from a DC power supply will be lower. Because after conversion, an AC power supply transmits voltage in alternating waves.

For instance, if the AC power supply is 220V, then the DC signal will be= 120/√2= 155.563 V

Similarly, to determine the AC voltage, multiply it with the square root of 2.

For instance, if the DC power supply has 220V, then the AC signal will be= 220*√2 = 311.127 V

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