APC 650 Battery Backup Replacement

APC 650 Battery Backup Replacement

American Power Conservatory, a.k.a APC, has been making UPS backup units and other power protection devices for many years. The APC Backup 650 was made as a value option as a surge protector for home computers at a cost of only $74 on Amazon Prime. With many outlets and a USB port, you can have backup power for the most essential devices that you depend on. Like any UPS or backup power systems, the internal batteries need to be replaced every few years. Whether you need an APC backup ES 650 replacement battery or an APC backup pro 650 replacement battery, you will find affordable and highly rated products in this list of options.

Genuine APC 650 Battery Backup Replacement

Rating: 4.2 out of 5

Price: $32.69

For a premium price point, getting a genuine APC battery will ensure ultimate compatibility and protection for your surge protector. While these batteries are from a basic battery manufacture with relabeling, you can be rest assured that they will get the job done. This battery is guaranteed to last from three to five years and extend the life of you APC UPS unit. Get a Genuine APC 650 Battery Backup Replacement for $32.69 on Amazon.

RefurbUPS APC Back-UPS ES 650 Compatible Replacement Battery

Rating: 5 out of 5

Price: $21.99 + $11.07 shipping

This battery is a contender for the same price point as a genuine APC battery backup replacement. While it is not suggested by APC themselves, this seller on Amazon has a great reputation for offering quality and freshly manufactured batteries. Customers of RefurbUPS claim that the shipping was quick and the batteries work just as well. So why not give it a shot? Get the RefurbUPS APC ES 650 Compatible Replacement Battery for $21.99 plus $11.07 on Amazon.

Mighty Max Battery Replacement Battery for APC Back-UPS ES USB 650

Rating: 4.3 out of 5

Price: $19.99 with Free Shipping

MightyMax is one of the highest rated and reviewed battery brands on Amazon. They offer great batteries at affordable prices for the thrifty shopper. If you are looking for a great value, we highly recommend this battery for your APC Backup-UPS 650 as a generic replacement. With a 1 year warranty, you can have peace of mind when going with a cheaper option. Get a MightMax Battery Replacement for the APC 650 on Amazon.

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