APC 1300 Battery Backup Replacement

It is more important than ever to keep your UPS running for the long haul. If you happen to own an APC 1300 Backup UPS, finding the right battery replacement at the right price can be a daunting project. In this post, we have compiled a few options you can consider for your next APC Backup XS 1300 replacement battery. Purchasing a replacement battery from Amazon is a smart move. Not only is it cheaper, but the services that Amazon provides for their customers create an easy buying process with fast shipping. Even APC sells their products on the massive retail site. Buying a battery from APC would be a waste of time and money. First and foremost, be sure to refer to your APC’s model number. The APC 1300 XS takes a #109 battery cartridge, or RBC109. Let’s review these great options for your next APC Backup UPS XS 1300 replacement battery.

Genuine APC Battery RBC109 Replacement

Rating: 4 out of 5

Price: $58.29

As with most electronics, purchasing a battery that is approved of the original brand is the smartest and safest route. However, more often than not what customers really are paying for is the APC by Schneider Electric brand label. Generic batteries will work just fine, but if you really want to make sure that you get the highest compatibility and protection for your 1300 XS, then purchasing a genuine APC battery is the best route to go for. Get a Genuine APC Battery Replacement for $58.29 on Amazon Prime.

ExpertPower RBC109 Battery Replacement

Rating: 4.2 out of 5

Price: $39.99

ExperPower claims to be the most trusted and highest reviewed sealed lead acid batteries on Amazon and they certainly have the stars to back it. With this battery replacement, you will have peace of mind with their 60 day money back guarantee and a 1 year limited warranty.Get an ExpertPower Battery Replacement for $39.99 on Amazon Prime.

MightyMax APC Backup UPS XS 1300 Replacement Battery

Rating: 3.6 out of 5

Price: $39.99

MightMax is a great battery brand. They are one of the highest rated and reviewed battery sellers on Amazon. This product in particular has a little lower rating due to some defects. But with any battery manufacturer, there is a chance that you will get a dud. We trust MightyMax because of their stellar customer service and 1 year warranties. Get a MightMax Battery Replacement for $39.99 on Amazon.

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